Job Carving, or sometimes known as job creation, is about creating a customised job opportunity for those with high barriers. Specifically, those who have disabilities, may have limitations, and can only do so many hours.
Job carving is about working backward, specifically for the jobseeker. Rather than looking at a job ad within the labour market and trying to fit the job seeker into that role, you create the job role in order to meet the specific needs of jobseekers and employer. The starting point is not the job ad, the starting point is the individual.
It could be a position that does not exist or an existing job that needs restructuring. It’s about creating a variety of work tasks that fill the need of the business, and that match the job seeker’s skills, abilities, and interests.
From my observation with working with thousands of employment practitioners throughout the years, what I see happening a lot of times, is that the employment consultant is solely focusing on already advertised jobs when reverse marketing for their jobseekers with high barriers and limitations. Most of the time they are setting their jobseekers up for failure. As they are putting them up against hundreds of other people in the labour market. As a result, over time, this diminishes the jobseeker’s confidence.
Another reason why some employment consultants focus on already advertised roles, is because it’s easy. Sometimes they're scared to contact those employers that don't have advertised jobs. When contacting employers who don’t have advertised roles, you’re basically cold selling, and that takes a little bit more courage and skill. It's very easy to pick up the phone and look at an already advertised job. Yes, you will have lots of great conversations with recruiters, and get many vacancies. However, how tailored, or suitable are these vacancies? How often do these vacancies convert into a job placement? It’s better to have one qualified vacancy where you’ve created a need that matches an individual perfectly, and solves an employer's problem, rather than have ten unqualified vacancies that don’t go anywhere.
Please note, I am in no way discouraging you from contacting employers with already advertised jobs. Especially if the jobseeker matches perfectly. And sometimes it’s a great way to get a lead and create awareness for future opportunities. However, when you’re reverse marketing for someone who may have a disability that limits them, or perhaps someone with a criminal record, then it’s always better to go out and negotiate a position and the tasks that person can do with that employer.
Come join our Business Development for Employment Practitioners Workshop to learn how you can gain access to hard to reach recruiters and hiring managers.
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