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3 Ways to Fill an Employer Pipeline

Writer's picture: Rana Kordahi Rana Kordahi

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

Often enough employment consultants don't have a full pipeline or may not have a good understanding of what a pipeline is. A pipeline is basically your employer database and how full it is. And it needs to be full of cold, warm and hot leads.

Employers that I've done business with, employers that I'm doing business with, and employers that I want to do business with.

Other times, employment consultants have a good database, but may not know how to work those leads.

But the biggest mistake that I see time and time again is when they make their cold calls or go out door-knocking to employers and ask this one question, “do you have any vacancies?” The employer says no, then they hang up or walk out of that business. They qualify that employer out of their pipeline.   

For us to be able to fill a good employer pipeline we need to understand three things.

Number one, it’s called touchpoints.

Number two, it's called farming and hunting.

Number three, it's your prospecting activities.

In marketing and sales, studies show that for a customer to want to buy from you, they need to have three things.

Number one they have to know you.

Number two they have to like you.

Number three they have to trust you.

And this takes time.

So how do we create that know, like, trust? And how do we fill our pipeline while doing that?


 It’s important to understand touchpoints. And customers need to have at least nowadays 20 touch points with you or your organisation in order to do business with you. Touchpoints are basically their interactions with you, your organisation or your brand.


We also build know, like, trust through farming and hunting. Farming is all the nurturing and value-adding, and the hunting is all the cold calls, emails and door knocks that we do. It’s vital to make sure that we’re doing a combination of both.


So, what is a prospecting cadence? It’s a sequential sequence of different outreach methods through various communication mediums.


Day 1: Cold Call in the morning. Cold email in the afternoon.

Day 3: Warm call and a voice message.

Day 10: A follow-up email.

Day 11: LinkedIn Connection request.

Day 12: Warm call (We finally speak to the decision-maker)

Once we finally get through, they could either say yes, maybe, or no.

1.YES -  “I would like to know more, or I have a recruitment need.”  We do a discovery. As well as set an appointment or job interview.

2. MAYBE - “Maybe later, or not for now.” We do a mini discovery. As well as send more info. They go into our nurturing list so we can continue farming. Or we can even arrange to meet them for a no-obligation meet and greet.

3. NO –“No I’m not interested, or I don’t have a need.”We can either qualify them in or out of our pipeline depending on if there is an opportunity down the road.

And this is how we fill an employer pipeline. It takes planning, a strategy, and a long-term game. Also, it’s important to keep in mind that building and nurturing employer relationships is what will help you stand out from the rest.


You will have access to:

✔ Self-paced online content (15 Modules)

✔ Monthly live webinars and Q&A.

✔ Implementation plans

✔ Unique sales scripts for Employment Services.

✔ Sales frameworks and methodologies

✔ Recruitment discovery questions for employment services.

✔ Blueprint for job placement success


Come join our Business Development for Employment Practitioners Workshop to learn how you can gain access to hard to reach recruiters and hiring managers.





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